Farming for the Future 2022 – Registration is Open

Farming for the Future is an annual educational event for local farmers and is a great opportunity to learn from agricultural specialists, educators, researchers, businesses, and other farmers. This year’s event is scheduled for March 8, 2022 at the Van Buren Conference Center from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. There is a chance that the event will switch to a virtual setting.

Topics this year will include soil health, testing for soil health, farmer perspectives, and Tar Spot update. A MAEAP Phase 1 credit will be available for attendees along with RUP credits. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM. Free lunch will also be provided.

This event is free but pre-registration is required and space is limited due to the pandemic. Farmers are asked to register by March 1 by visiting or by calling the Van Buren Conservation District at 269-657-4030 x3093. VBCD staff is intermittently working from home, so it may take us 2-3 business days to return your message; we appreciate your patience.

Register here!