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Category: General Kal-Haven Trail Clean Up

Kal-Haven Trail Clean Up

September 18, 2022

We invite volunteers to join us Sunday, September 18th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM for our Kal-Haven Trail Clean Up event! We will meet at the Kal-Haven Trail Sesquicentennial State Park (take Blue Star Hwy North of Phoenix Rd., turn to take E Wells St. West, and exit the roundabout on the first right to head North onto Bailey Ave.) parking lot in South Haven and start picking up trash from there.

Volunteers need to pre-register to ensure there are enough supplies. To participate, all volunteers will need to sign waivers and register themselves. Minors need an adult present to participate. Gloves, high vis vests, and trash pickers, will be provided; however, volunteers are welcome to bring their own supplies. We encourage volunteers to dress for the weather and to wear appropriate footwear.

Register or learn more by calling 269-633-9052 or register by filling out the form here:

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