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Category: General Paw Paw River Cleanup: Calling Volunteers!

Paw Paw River Cleanup: Calling Volunteers!

September 21, 2024

Come volunteer with the Van Buren Conservation District and the Two Rivers Coalition for the Paw Paw River Clean Up!

After last year’s successful river cleanup in Paw Paw, we are moving downstream to Lawrence and potentially Hartford with enough volunteer sign-ups. We will get in our watercraft and clean trash and debris out of the Paw Paw River from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Be sure to be ready and unloaded at the meeting location by 11:00 AM.

Registration is required and due Monday, September 16, 2024. Be sure to bring your own kayaks or canoes and safety equipment.

Register here!

The week before the event, be sure to watch for communication about the event. With any questions, please contact Jacob Diljak, Outreach Coordinator by call/text at 269-633-9052 or email

Funding for this event was made possible from the Michigan Clean Water Corps and the Van Buren Conservation District millage.


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