Chinkapin Oak


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Chinkapin Oak
Description Chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii), sometimes spelled chinquapin, is a deciduous tree with large leaves and ashy, light gray bark. Chinkapin has the smallest acorn of any oak species which wildlife love. Like other oaks, it makes a good shade tree and its lumber is valuable. While young, it is tolerant of shading but prefers full sun as it get larger. Chinkapin oak is a good pasture tree but needs to be guarded when young.
Seedling information
Age 0-2 years
Size 12-18″
Height 40 – 50 ft.
Spread 40 – 50 ft.
Growth rate Moderate-slow
Sun Full sun – part shade
Water use Medium
Soil Rocky or sandy, well drained soils
Bloom time March – May
Bloom color Yellow, green, brown
Fruit type Nut
Edible/Inedible Inedible
Nativeness Native
Benefits Good for wildlife, shade, pastures, lumber
Climate Change Hardiness Medium adaptability (US Forest Service)

Additional information


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