Common Persimmon


  • Native to Michigan
  • Tolerant of black walnut
  • High-Value lumber
  • Good for wildlife
  • Good for pollinator
  • Mildly shade-tolerant when young, becoming intolerant
  • Common understory tree in Michigan
  • Seedling height: 12″-18″

Height: 50ft-80ft
Spread: 15ft-25ft
Water Needs: Medium-dry to Medium-Wet
Soil Needs: Sandy-loam to loam
Growth Rate: Fast

SKU: N/A Category:


Common Persimmon
Description Common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is a small deciduous tree. Persimmon is best known for its sweet, orange fruit in autumn. When ripe, the fruit is considered to be like a date. Fruit should be picked a day or two before consuming. Male and female trees are necessary for fruit production. It has yellow, bell-shaped flowers and large oval leaves. The tree attracts many types of wildlife from birds to pollinators to mammals. Young persimmon seedlings are susceptible to deer pressure.
Height 15 – 30 ft.
Spread 20 – 35 ft.
Growth rate Fast
Sun Part shade
Water use Medium
Soil Variable, rich, most soils
Bloom time March – June
Bloom color Yellow, green
Fruit type Drupe
Edible/Inedible Edible
Nativeness Native
Benefits Fruit, good for wildlife, good for pollinators
Climate Change Hardiness High adaptability (US Forest Service)

Additional information


5, 10, 25, 50