Northern Pecan


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Northern Pecan
Description Northern pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a large, deciduous tree that produces edible nuts. It is the largest of all the hickories. The bark is grayish brown to light brown with flattened ridges and narrow fissures. Medium green leaves will turn yellow in the fall. This tree provides shade and cover which is great for wildlife or for livestock in a pasture.
Seedling information
Age 0-2 years
Size 12-18″
Height 75-100 ft
Spread 40-70 ft
Growth rate Slow
Sun Full sun
Water use Medium
Soil Moist, well drained
Bloom time April, May
Bloom color Greenish-yellow
Fruit type Nut
Edible/Inedible Edible
Nativeness Native to southern US; climate-adapted
Benefits Good for wildlife, fall foliage, shade, nuts, pastures
Climate Change Hardiness New habitat (US Forest Service)

Additional information


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