Red Osier Dogwood


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Red Osier Dogwood
Description Red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), also known as red-twig dogwood, is a deciduous shrub. Red osier dogwood gets its name from its bright red twigs. It is a great ornamental plant with its colorful red twigs, white flowers, and white fruit. Birds and butterflies love this plant. This dogwood is great for erosion control.
Seedling information
Age 0-2 years
Size 12-18″
Height 5 – 10 ft.
Spread 5 – 10 ft.
Growth rate Fast
Sun Part shade
Water use Medium
Soil Moist, well-drained soils
Bloom time May – October
Bloom color White
Fruit type Drupe
Edible/Inedible Inedible
Nativeness Native
Benefits Good for wildlife and pollinators, ornamental, erosion control
Climate Change Hardiness Unknown adaptability

Additional information


5, 10, 25, 50