

SKU: N/A Category:


Description American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), also known as American planetree and buttonwood, is a fast-growing, large deciduous tree. It has a wide-spread and irregular shaped crown. The bark of this tree is light gray and often shreds, exposing light colored inner bark. It provides excellent habitat and food for wildlife, especially songbirds. This species is flood tolerant and moderately resistant to deer damage. Sycamore can also be tapped for syrup.
Seedling information
Age 0-2 years
Size 12-18″
Height 75-100 ft
Spread 75-100 ft
Growth rate Fast
Sun Full Sun
Water use Medium
Soil Well-drained, slightly acidic, sandy loam or loam
Bloom time April, May
Bloom color Yellow, red
Fruit type Achene
Edible/Inedible Inedible
Nativeness Native
Benefits Fast growing, wide spread, food for wildlife, syrup
Climate Change Hardiness Medium adaptability (US Forest Service)

Additional information


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