Van Buren Conservation District

Recycling Guides

How to Use This Page

Instructions coming soon!

How to Reuse, Recycle, and Dispose of Your Refuse

Reuse – repurpose products for new uses or donate products for further use by others

Recycle – collect and process materials to turn them into new products

Refuse – municipal solid waste (household garbage)

Use the links below to learn where to reuse, recycle, and dispose of various items.

Where to Reuse, Recycle, and Dispose of Your Refuse


Van Buren County Recycling Guide
A convenient listing of waste reduction and recycling opportunities along with tips on safer disposal alternatives for potentially hazardous waste. Download the printable Recycling Guide here or come into the district office or your township/village/city office to get your copy!

Sustainable Product Guide
A guide to cleaning product alternatives

Sustainability-oriented Guides
A collection of guides with sustainability tips about glass, plastic, banking, pet ownership, and more!

Safer Choice Program Product List
To access a list of safer cleaning and other products, visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice Program Product List!


Recycling Directories

EGLE has put together an easy-to-use Household Drug Take Back Map to help you find locations to dispose of your medications. You can access the map here. You can also access the Red Med Box locations in Van Buren County here.

Properly disposing of your medications protects human, animal, and environmental health. Flushing medications down the drain leads to trace amounts of drugs being found in our water.

Did you know EGLE (formerly DEQ) has two recycling directories aimed at connecting everyone with useful recycling opportunities near them?

One directory is geared towards residents, and the other directory is geared towards businesses.

If you’re a resident, check out the Michigan Recycling Directory by clicking on the banner!

If you’re a business, check out the Recycled Materials Market Directory by clicking on the banner!

