Van Buren Conservation District

Water Screening

Nitrate/Nitrite Screening for Wells

The Van Buren Conservation District screens drinking water for nitrates year-round. The screening is sponsored by the Van Buren Conservation District.  There is no cost to participate in this service.

The water screening is open to all Van Buren residents that are on private wells (non-municipal) for drinking water.

The screening is for nitrates and nitrites which commonly appear in drinking water around ag communities.  Nitrates and nitrites in drinking water can result in nitrogen use on farm fields or treated lawns.

To sample your well please follow these directions:

  1. Pick a tap or faucet that supplies water that has not run through any treatment devices (water softener, carbon filter, RO system, etc.). An outdoor faucet often works well.
  2. Run the water for 20-30 minutes before collecting the sample. This will give the pump time to flush the water pressure tank and plumbing so you can collect a valid sample.  Disconnect any hoses before collecting the sample; do not sample through a hose.
  3. Rinse the sample bottle and lid thoroughly in the water to be sampled; then fill and cap the bottle.
  4. Label the bottle clearly with your name, the sample date, and the well name using a waterproof pen. Samples can be taken in any clean container, such as a glass jar, or other capped container.
  5. Deliver the sample within 24 hours of sampling and keep the sample dark and cold until it is dropped off at 1035 East Michigan Ave. in Paw Paw.

There will be information collected regarding residency and location of the well. Please call the VBCD 269-657-4030×5 if you have any questions.

If you need a water test please see our Water Testing page.

