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Category: General Hike with a Naturalist | Gobles Branch - Van Buren District Library

Hike with a Naturalist | Gobles Branch - Van Buren District Library

July 18, 2023

Join us at VBDL Gobles Branch on July 18 from 10:30AM to 12:00PM for a hike on the Kal-Haven State Trail with a naturalist. See nature through a naturalist's eye! The naturalist will talk about all the life around you in a way you might not have experienced before. We will meet at VBDL Gobles Branch and walk to the Kal-Haven Trail. As always, dress for the weather and bring appropriate footwear. We are excited to see you there!
July 25, same time, same place is the rain date. Please check Facebook for updates.

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