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Category: General Summer Education at Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery

Summer Education at Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery

August 10, 2023

This year, the Van Buren Conservation District is partnering with Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery to provide an outdoor educational experience for children ages 4-10. This program will take place at Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery and will utilize all that the hatchery has to offer including pond studies, various educational hikes, nature journaling and tours of the facility. Parents/guardians are required to attend for the entirety of the program and provide their own transportation. The event will be from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM on June 29 and August 10. 

We would love for the kids in your life to participate in this program! Pre-registration is required and can be filled out in the Van Buren Conservation District office, over the phone by calling 269-657-4030 x5, by stopping in to your local library, or by visiting:

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