Red Cedar


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Red Cedar
Description Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), also known as red juniper and eastern red cedar, is a small-to-medium sized evergreen tree. This species is hardy: resistant to deer, drought, heat, and cold. Red cedar has tight, spiky needles making it a great windbreak and pasture tree. Wildlife love this species for its shelter and food. Cedar wax-wings especially love red cedar! *Do not plant near orchards
Seedling information
Age 0-2 years
Size 10-16″
Height 30 – 50 ft.
Spread 10 – 20 ft.
Growth rate Moderate to fast
Sun Full to shade
Water use Low
Soil Sandy, loam, clay
Bloom time March – May
Fruit type Pale, blue fruit
Edible/Inedible Inedible
Nativeness Native
Benefits Good for wildlife, ornamental, pastures, windbreak
Climate Change Hardiness Medium adaptability (US Forest Service)

Additional information


5, 10, 25, 50, 100