The Van Buren Conservation District’s regularly scheduled March 17, 2021 will be held via Zoom due to COVID-19 protocol. The information to join is included below. The agenda can be accessed here.
Topic: VBCD Regular Board Meeting March 17, 2021
Time: Mar 17, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 1182 2474
Passcode: 728401
If you are unable to join via computer, or do not have speakers or a microphone on your computer, you can
dial in for audio. Call (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592 and enter:
ID: 851 1182 2474
Passcode: 728401
Note that everyone will be muted by default. If you would like to speak during the public comment portion of
the meeting, you have the following options:
Online – raise your hand, or use the Chat option
Phone – press *9 to raise your hand, *6 to send a request to be unmuted to submit comments.